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Contraband: Homemade weapons

All made from household items, they may look like junk but they could cost you your life

These photos of various weapons were submitted to Corrections1 by a reader. They might all look like pieces of junk that you could find in a garbage can, but in the hands of an inmate, these items can become very deadly. Keep an eye out!


Made with a long screw that holds the ac unit in the ceiling, part of an inmate uniform and saran wrap from the kitchen.


Made with metal strapping that holds the ac ducts in the ceiling, the leather tongue of a work boot and saran wrap.


The strap attachment to their duffle bags when they go on court runs.


Made from fence wire and bed sheet.

These images and videos of illegal inmate contraband have come directly from Corrections1 members, readers and expert contributors. As officers in the field, Corrections1 members have the greatest insight into the contraband and illegal tactics used by inmates to subvert the security of our nation’s vital corrections institutions. By submitting these images and videos of paraphernalia, Corrections1 members share potentially life-saving information with their brothers and sisters.

See links to more photos like this at our Corrections Contraband page. If you have a contraband photo or video you would like to add to our database, please email us at