Solitary Confinement
The Solitary Confinement section examines the use, impact, and controversies surrounding the practice of isolating inmates from the general population. This directory provides articles and resources on the psychological effects, legal considerations, and best practices for managing solitary confinement within correctional facilities. Understanding solitary confinement is crucial for balancing security needs with the mental health and rights of inmates. For more on inmate management, explore our section on facility management.
NYC DOC leaders say the Special Management Unit is needed to control violence and ensure safety at the Otis Bantum Correctional Center
In 2023, the number of people working in state prisons fell to its lowest level this century, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
The agreement includes a behavior management program and a skills-based curriculum with daily structured activities at the Manson Youth Institution
The Supermax – designed to be confining in every way – houses the nation’s most dangerous and notorious criminals
The order suspends parts of the law that limit holding inmates in “de-escalation confinement” to four hours and restricts the use of restraints during transport
The state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision did not give evidence to refute allegations that it has failed to follow the state’s limits on solitary confinement
NYC’s mayor said he vetoed the ban because the DOC “would no longer be able to protect people in custody, or the union workers charged with their safety, from violent individuals”
Official: “Many of the provisions could inadvertently undermine the overall goals of protecting individuals from harm, promoting sound correctional practice and improving safety for those in custody and jail staff”
The lawsuit alleges that juvenile detainees had their civil rights infringed upon at the Adair County facility and that the center failed to properly train staff
The new law requires solitary confinement to “only be used as a last resort, in the least restrictive manner and for the shortest period of time safely possible”
The bill places a four-hour limit on isolating inmates who pose an immediate risk of violence to others or themselves in “de-escalation” units
CDCR’s new regulations would give solitary inmates up to 20 hours of outside cell time per week, up from the 10 hours they are currently allowed
The lawsuit alleges that the DoC, which didn’t comment, confines people with serious mental illness by withholding evaluations, diagnoses and care
Allegheny County Jail reports compliance with a county referendum that limits solitary confinement for inmates
Officials asked for more staff after a High Desert State inmate was fatally stabbed with a prison-made shank by another prisoner who escaped his separation cage
The policy and procedure changes for solitary confinement were presented at a meeting, during which the public referred to the practice as torturous
His original 7-year prison term in 1994 was extended with additional sentences totaling 90 years for assaulting correctional officers, including throwing bodily fluids
Across the U.S., around 7% of prisoners were in restrictive housing in state and federal prisons. In Kansas, that figure was 10.5%, while in Missouri, it was 11.9%
The union says prison violence rose by 33% in the year since HALT took effect
The suit accuses officials of holding people in extended segregation even though they don’t meet the law’s criteria
The final version didn’t place any restrictions on how long a prisoner can remain in solitary
Court rules that seven months of solitary confinement for an inmate with known mental health issues violated the Eighth Amendment and clearly established law
The bill would limit confinement to no more than 15 consecutive days and prohibit placing anyone in solitary who is pregnant or has a physical or mental disability
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of 182 inmates over “some of the most brutal death row conditions in the country”
The former inmate claims his religious freedoms were violated when his knee-length locks were cut and is appealing for monetary damages
As of Nov. 1, the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision reported 1,231 assaults on staff
The CO suffered a broken eye socket and other injuries; the CO union continues to argue against a bill to ban solitary confinement in the city’s jails
“If I punch any one of you in your face and break your orbital, you’re not coming to work the next day. That’s our reality every single day,” a CO official said
Deysean Sanchez, 38, has repeatedly assaulted COs, sometimes throwing his own urine and feces at them
- What can US corrections learn from the German prison system?
- 6 must-watch prison documentaries on Netflix
- The role of solitary confinement, and why it’s necessary
- Concerns raised over contracts meant to help Pa. jail end solitary confinement
- NYC’s Rikers more violent than jails, prisons elsewhere in US, Correction Department testifies