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Prisoner transport: Tech and training to improve safety (eBook)

Download Corrections1’s guide to help your agency minimize risk and improve both officer and inmate safety during transport operations




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Corrections and law enforcement officers perform prisoner transport thousands of times daily across the nation for a variety of purposes. The task can be one of the most dangerous for officers, requiring constant vigilance to ensure prisoners are both safely and securely transported.
At any time, officers could be transporting male, female and juvenile inmates. They might also move prisoners with physical disabilities or who are wheelchair-bound. In one trip, officers may find themselves transporting dangerous prisoners in the same vehicle as people charged with traffic or minor nonviolent offenses.

Keeping prisoners under control can be difficult in a controlled institutional setting, but it can be especially problematic during transport, when many prisoners may be desperately seeking opportunities to escape. Even if they’re not, prisoners can misbehave and endanger the safety of correctional officers, other prisoners, and even themselves.

This eBook reviews:

  • How to reduce the risks associated with prisoner transport by implementing scenario-based prisoner transport training.
  • The technologies that belong in every prisoner transport vehicle.
  • How to select and train officers for high-risk inmate transports.

We hope this publication serves as a guide for how your agency can minimize risk and improve both officer and inmate safety during transport operations.

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