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Digital Edition: Advancing community corrections

Download our free guide to find out how to use technology to improve case management

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Over the past decade, the use of technology in community corrections has significantly increased. With caseloads on the rise and limited resources, the field has turned to innovative solutions to enhance offender accountability, improve case management and increase public safety.

Case management software streamlines workflow and improves communication between stakeholders, helping case managers manage their caseloads more efficiently. Predictive analytics identify risk factors and target resources to those most in need of intervention, helping case managers make data-driven decisions about supervision and treatment.

The content in this digital edition, sponsored by Tyler Technologies, aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the technological strides being made in community corrections, hoping to inspire further innovation in this crucial sector of our criminal justice system.

Download your copy to learn how to:

  • Enhance communication between jails and probation departments through technology
  • Identify risk factors and target resources in community corrections
  • Navigate the tech landscape in community corrections
  • Take a new approach to managing supervisory caseloads

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