Defense Technology/Federal Laboratories® a market leader in providing less-lethal solutions to law enforcement, corrections, and military is pleased to announce the availability of the latest technology in aerosol defense sprays, First Defense 360°™. Combining traditional product with the latest technology, First Defense 360°™ offers a new breakthrough in aerosol performance. Utilizing compressed air with barrier separation from the liquid formulation, First Defense 360°™ is capable of delivering a stream pattern at any angle and any orientation.
As the company who sets the standard for less-lethal products, Defense Technology/Federal Laboratories is committed to developing new, more efficient ways to enhance product performance. The introduction of First Defense 360°™ reflects that commitment. No additional training or education is required to use this new product with improved performance.
About First Defense®
First Defense® is a patented pepper spray and is a registered trademark of Defense Technology/Federal Laboratories®. First Defense® is the most widely used pepper spray formulation by law enforcement and corrections worldwide. First Defense® is the only formulation addressing environmental and health concerns and back by a comprehensive effectiveness study.