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TASER International Wins Judgment and Final Injunction in Patent Infringement Against Stinger Systems, Inc.

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U.S. District Court Issues Final Injunction Against Stinger S-200

Scottsdale, Ariz.– TASER International, Inc. (NASDAQ: TASR), announced that on August 30, 2010, the United States District Court for the District of Arizona entered judgment in favor of TASER International, Inc. (“TASER”) against Stinger Systems, Inc. (“Stinger”) on Count One of TASER’s complaint and further ordered that “Stinger is hereby adjudged to have infringed claims 2 and 40 of United States Patent No. 6,999,295 (“the ’295 patent”)” and that “Claims 2 and 40 of the ’295 patent are hereby adjudged to be valid and enforceable.”

The patent infringement claim against Stinger’s S-200 is based on TASER’s patent on the dual mode “shaped pulse” technology found in the TASER® X26™, X3™, Shockwave, and C2™ electronic control device (“ECD”) products. The Court’s ruling found that the “Flyback Quantum Technology” found in the Stinger S-200 literally infringes TASER’s ‘295 Patent.

The Court also entered an order for a Final Injunction that provides that “Stinger, together with its officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of this Final Injunction, are hereby restrained and enjoined, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283 and Fed. R. Civ. P. 65, from making, using, offering to sell, or selling in or from the United States, or importing into the United States, the S-200 ECDs, either alone or in combination with any other product, and all other products that are only colorably different from the S-200 ECDs in the context of claims 2 or 40 of the ’295 patent, whether individually or in combination with other products or as part of another product, and from otherwise infringing, contributing to the infringement of, or inducing others to infringe claims 2 or 40 of the ’295 patent.” This Final Injunction runs until the expiration of the ’295 patent (February 11, 2023) and also applies to a substantial portion of the components for the S-200 ECD. Copies of the Court’s orders are publically available at

Stinger is currently the subject of an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (“ABC”) proceeding in Florida State Court pursuant to which Stinger has assigned its assets to Larry S. Hyman (“the Assignee”), who has the authority to operate Stinger for a limited time, liquidate Stinger’s assets, and distribute any proceeds of such liquidation to Stinger’s creditors.

Stinger has represented that it no longer sells the S-200 ECD and that the Assignee intends to sell Stinger’s assets if a buyer for Stinger’s business cannot be located by October 1, 2010.

“We believe the Court’s judgment and Final Injunction against Stinger in this patent infringement lawsuit is a validation of the important patent rights of TASER International and a rebuke to competitors who try to copy our protected intellectual property,” said Doug Klint, President and General Counsel of TASER International. “In light of the order for Final Injunction and Stinger’s liquidation proceedings, TASER agreed to a dismissal without prejudice of its other causes of actions in the complaint.”

About TASER International, Inc.

TASER International, Inc., is the global leader in the development of technologies that Protect Life and Protect Truth. More than 15,000 public safety agencies in 40 countries rely on TASER electronic control devices (ECDs) to help protect and serve. TASER innovations benefit individuals and families too; providing personal protection and accountability while maintaining regard for life. TASER is committed to bringing advanced solutions to market, like TASER AXON and - powerful evidence capturing and management platforms. Learn more about TASER International and its products at or by calling (800) 978-2737.