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Fitness & Health

Build strength and stamina for the demands of the job with this first responder-focused training program
It can be challenging for COs to set time aside to keep a healthy mind and body; here’s our top 25 wellness tips for you to concentrate on this year
Learn these crucial phrases that signal emotional struggles for first responders and how to respond with empathy
Hit your fitness goals without breaking the bank
Every little bit helps; find out which fitness clubs give first responders the most bang for their buck
It can have a range of negative effects on both physical and mental health
When you avoid processing your most challenging calls, you don’t get better or even stay the same; you get worse
Americans predict that cutting out processed foods, healthy aging and improving gut health will be the top three health trends in 2025, according to a study
Easy-to-use strategies for COs to manage job stress, stop bringing work home, process trauma and transition into civilian life
Corrections is a demanding career, but officers can maintain wellness with the right strategies; learn how to manage stress and avoid burnout