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Corrections1 Columnists
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The Corrections1 columnist roster features subject matter experts addressing topics including correctional leadership, facility management, corrections officer training, correctional healthcare, corrections grant funding and community corrections.

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Discover the top tactical gloves for corrections that offer unmatched durability, comfort, grip and dexterity
Mobile devices offer a potential productivity boost for corrections staff, but their risks to institutional security demand careful integration and trust-building policies
With peer support teams and a state-of-the-art wellness app, the Colorado Department of Corrections is prioritizing the wellbeing of its workforce
Here’s how the derogatory term “chumps” can be turned into a valuable learning tool in corrections
A violent attack, a punctured lung and a life-changing ordeal — this officer’s story is a wake-up call for safety reforms in corrections
Toxic leadership and unethical practices create a ripple effect of stress and chaos in correctional facilities — learn how to build a culture of integrity
Motivated instructors are the backbone of effective training in criminal justice, but internal criticism — or “professional hate” — can undermine their efforts and the profession’s growth
Healthy, portable, delicious choices for quick fueling
After 14 years working day shift, a correctional officer details what it takes to survive the night shift