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How the ‘Honor Block’ breeds inmate manipulation

Despite its name, the ‘Honor Block’ is a breeding ground for inmate manipulation; here’s how this environment leaves prison staff vulnerable


AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File

Situations are extremely powerful. While some people choose to focus on internal motivations, you must never overlook the power of external constraints or pressures. Situations can sometimes be invisible, which means that those from the outside may not understand the true pressures or constraints that those on the inside face.

Let’s explore this a little bit: Front line employees know their jobs, but often they have to deal with changes that are driven by those who have only an outside perspective. More concern is directed at inmate incentive and/or budget, as opposed to the subtle environmental changes that can drastically affect those who are immediate to that situation of change.

These detrimental changes can only be brought to mind by those who have experience on the front line. There are those who are subordinate to the system and faithfully follow these new policies and procedures that will end up being the scapegoat when it’s discovered that safety and security was sacrificed, through error or misuse,.

The ‘Honor Block’
Recently media had centered on an area known as the “Honor Block.” It’s an area within a maximum security prison that allows for certain inmates, contrary to their status, to live in an environment with minimal restrictions. These inmates have to meet a certain criteria based on good behavior and institutional adjustment.

Just as a reminder: Some of the inmates who were approved for the “Honor Block” still have major sentences to complete.

This “Honor Block” was brought to life in the hope that inmates will see a positive side to good behavior and, therefore, it becomes an incentive. Those that would argue that the “Honor Block” provides incentive should realize that true incentive can only come from within. External motivation should not be the only incentive that we look towards to promote good behavior. We need to encourage change that begins from within.

Let’s define honor. Honor is defined by Merriam-Webster as ‘respect that is given to someone who is admired; good reputation, good quality or character as judged by other people.’ It’s within this definition we have a conflict. By choosing the name “Honor Block,” are we instilling all the above mentioned qualities and values that define the word honor into the inmates that reside within that block? In essence, by using that term to define that cell block, are we saying, “these inmates can be trusted.”

Now, for the most part, inmates that have a lot of time left to serve have a different perspective than those who are on their way out. The latter is looking to better themselves and prepare for the outside world, while the former are looking for ways to circumvent the system and maintain their sense of self-control. When we begin to invest in programs that are created by non-correctional staff, we need to look at the possible consequences, both good and bad.

How manipulation starts
In this case, the “Honor Block” instills a sense of trust that can easily define the environment and create a situation that can lead to undue familiarity. By no way am I excusing the behavior of those who are directly involved in aiding and abetting an escape, but in order to learn, we must look at all the elements involved. Corrections is a job that is defined by routine. The work is rather monotonous and can easily lead to complacency.

As the days progress, complacency can easily become the norm. Inmates that look to control the system, that still have major time to do, will look to exploit this vulnerability. They will do whatever is necessary so they can gain a sense of control. When the environment itself shows a sense of trust, they we have created a monster.

If we want to look at how manipulation can occur, we need to look at the target and the situation that was presented. If the target becomes vulnerable, they may find themselves looking to the environment for help. If the environment is defined by trust, then this person is in trouble. I say this because it is human nature to look to the environment to define the situation we are in. When we are filled with ambiguity, we look to others. It’s at this point that we are most vulnerable.

If the inmates reside within an environment that seems to be built on trust, are we not creating the perfect situation for a manipulative inmate to exploit? This type of environment brings about situations that will lead to inconsistency and unfairness. That is why, when programs are created, we need to look first at security issues. This is when it becomes necessary to talk to the frontline because they know best.

How we can fix this
Corrections is an environment that’s unique. It centers on a culture that few will ever be able to understand. Working with individuals for years, we have to remember they are felons first. That is the thought that must remain paramount through our career. But the manipulative inmate wants to make you forget that they are felons. They try to connect with you on a personal level that will help them to achieve their end game.

Remember, if we get emotionally involved, we become compromised. When an inmate begins their game, it is subtle and slow moving. It’s not something that is immediately recognized and the changes that occur to the targeted staff member are slow. When the targeted staff member begins to feel that something is not right, they may begin to look to their environment for a sense of confirmation, as to whom they are and the role they must play. If that environment fails to remind them of their prescribed role, the inmate can easily move forward.

Again, ideas that come from non-correctional staff need to take the human element into account. This would relate to the automatic processes that can easily be exploited by a manipulative inmate. In this case, we need to look outside of the targeted individuals. We need to ask ourselves about the environment and the situation that was created based on an incentive program.

All in all, if certain words are used every day, like “honor and trustee,” what are we telling the staff member? Let’s face it, games will be played and some will fall and others will rise, but the last thing we ever want to do is create the situation in which a manipulative inmate can thrive. Therefore, go to the frontline and ask. “What are the pros and cons of implementing such a program?” You figure, if we are going to get blamed, we may as well get a fighting chance.

Anthony Gangi has a BA in psychology and is a 20-year veteran in corrections. He currently works as an Associate Administrator for State Corrections and has worked his way up through the ranks, from officer to sergeant, and then into administration. Anthony currently sits on the executive board of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Correctional Association. To date, Anthony Gangi has been invited to speak on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, Lifetime, ABC, Fox and NewsNation. He is also the author of “Inmate Manipulation Decoded” and “How to Succeed in Corrections,” as well as the host of the Tier Talk podcast.