The standard for excellence in public safety is changing. Lexipol is your partner in understanding how your agency measures up and setting a course to achieve performance excellence. Schedule a consultation with our team today to learn about our holistic approach built on Gordon Graham’s 5 Pillars of Organizational Success.
In Today’s Tip, Gordon Graham discusses the critical role of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in correctional facilities. He emphasizes that many inmates struggle with opioid use disorder, often contributing to their incarceration and leading to a cycle of recidivism. Implementing MAT, which combines medications with counseling and therapeutic techniques, offers a comprehensive approach to treatment.
Graham highlights that providing such care aligns with inmates’ constitutional rights under the Eighth Amendment and can significantly reduce post-release opioid overdose deaths by up to 85%.
Questions for discussion:
- How does your facility currently address opioid use disorder among inmates and what gaps exist in your approach?
- What are the potential legal and ethical implications of not providing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in your facility?
- What challenges — logistical, financial or cultural — might your staff face in implementing a MAT program, and how can you overcome them?
- How can you ensure that your correctional officers and healthcare staff are properly trained to support and manage MAT programs effectively?
- What steps can you take to collaborate with external healthcare providers and community organizations to improve post-release support for inmates in MAT programs?
Get more tips from Gordon here.
Despite the evidence that this treatment is medically effective, promotes better outcomes and reduces the incidence of relapse, it remains controversial and plagued by stigma