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Tier Talk Podcast: The inmate who cried wolf

In our line of work, we can never ignore an inmate’s cry for help

In our line of work, we can never ignore an inmate’s cry for help. Even if the inmate has cried many times before and we know their cries are false, we must still attend to their calls. Each day we are being tested and we have no choice but to pass each test.

Recently, PREA has led to some false accusations. Unfortunately, in our position, we must act in an effort to protect each and every time the inmate cries wolf. It would be best if the department could take those who use the system for personal gain and charge them accordingly, but most won’t. If that remains the case, we will find ourselves running aimlessly to help someone who does not need the help and, unfortunately, in that scramble, miss someone who does need the help.

Tier Talk, hosted by Corrections1 columnist Anthony Gangi, features interviews with industry experts, conversations about hot topics and pressing issues, and offers lessons to new staff and old about the evolving and ever-changing field of corrections.