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RI correctional officer tests positive for COVID-19

The CO, who has minimal interaction with inmates, went home after notifying a warden that he was not feeling well

The Providence Journal

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A correctional officer has tested positive for COVID-19, a spokesman for the Department of Corrections announced Saturday night.

“The officer went home after notifying the warden the officer was not feeling well on Wednesday,"said J.D. Ventura, public relations officer for the Corrections Department.

“Our medical department is working closely with the Department of Health, which is conducting a thorough contact tracing process. The officer’s post has minimal interaction with inmates. We are continuing to monitor the situation in our secured facilities. The areas suspected of exposure have been properly sanitized following CDC guidelines. We wish the officer a speedy recovery.”

As of Sunday, Rhode Island has 294 cases of COVID-19, with 35 people in the hospital.


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