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Watch: Ariz. deputies carry out ‘Super Bowl shakedown’ at jail

Pinal County Jail Special Emergency Response Team and SWAT Team officers searched mattresses, toilet paper and empty bottles for contraband

PINAL COUNTY, Ariz. — A week before Super Bowl LIX, the Pinal County Jail Special Emergency Response Team and SWAT Team conducted a shakedown to root out contraband.

The search targeted contraband such as weapons, drugs and “hooch,” which deputies said sometimes increases in production ahead of the big game.

Video of the operation shows officers firing a warning shot before entering, ordering inmates to the ground and beginning their search. A deputy explained in the video that officers checked mattresses, toilet paper and empty bottles for hidden contraband.

At least four bottles of “hooch” were confiscated during the search, the video showed.

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Sarah Roebuck is the news editor for Police1, Corrections1, FireRescue1 and EMS1, leading daily news coverage. With nearly a decade of digital journalism experience, she has been recognized for her expertise in digital media, including being sourced in Broadcast News in the Digital Age.

A graduate of Central Michigan University with a broadcast and cinematic arts degree, Roebuck joined Lexipol in April 2023. Have a news tip? Email her at or connect on LinkedIn.