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Miss. inmate given 5 more years for using TASER on corrections officer

Video shows the moment the DeSoto County inmate seized a TASER and used it on a jailer during a struggle in the facility

HERNANDO, Miss. — A DeSoto County inmate has been sentenced to an additional five years behind bars for using a TASER on a corrections officer, the DeSoto County District Attorney’s Office announced.

On March 3, John Riles received the maximum sentence for simple assault on a law enforcement officer following the November 2024 incident at the DeSoto County Jail. At the time, Riles was serving a 90-day sentence for violating probation related to an uttering forgery conviction.

Video obtained by FOX13 from TVMO Community News captured the altercation. In the footage, a corrections officer can be seen pointing a TASER at Riles as another corrections officer places a hand on the back of his neck, bringing him to the ground. As the first corrections officer moves to subdue Riles, he sets the TASER down. Riles then grabs the device and uses it on one of the corrections officers.

The district attorney’s office said the corrections officer sustained minor injuries.

“Let this sentence serve as a warning to those who assault our officers: we will not go soft on you,” DeSoto County District Attorney Matthew Barton said in a statement. “We will always have the back of those who serve and protect our community, and any violence against them will not be tolerated.”

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Sarah Roebuck is the news editor for Police1, Corrections1, FireRescue1 and EMS1, leading daily news coverage. With nearly a decade of digital journalism experience, she has been recognized for her expertise in digital media, including being sourced in Broadcast News in the Digital Age.

A graduate of Central Michigan University with a broadcast and cinematic arts degree, Roebuck joined Lexipol in April 2023. Have a news tip? Email her at or connect on LinkedIn.