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Heather R. Cotter

Contemporary Issues in Corrections

Heather Cotter serves as the Executive Director of the International Public Safety Association, a 501(c)3 non-profit. She’s been working with public safety professionals for several years and understands the challenges agencies and resource constraints agencies continue to face. Heather has a Master’s degree from Arizona State University and a Bachelor’s at Indiana University, both in Criminology. Contact her at

When there are communication failures between the project manager, the vendors, the team and executive leadership things get ugly
Quality writing, demonstrated need and staying within the financial parameters are critical in determining whether or not you win an award
It’s not impossible to lose weight or live healthier, but it is a conscious decision that you have to make
Fully adopting the fitness lifestyle mentality takes time, but after a couple of weeks of implementing a dedicated routine, it becomes habit
Managing IT projects requires a tremendous amount of attention to detail and strong communications skills